Inkfish Magazine
We love great short fiction, poetry and art, especially those pieces that take us somewhere unexpected.
We are an online literary journal who publish flash fiction, short stories & non-fiction that prioritise voice, character and emotional engagement. We welcome a range of poetry, from tried and true free verse to bold experiments with form, as well as visual art for our illustrations. We would love to hear from you, whether you are established or just getting started with publishing!

About the Editors

Kate Horsley Editor & Founder
Kate’s first novel, The Monster’s Wife was shortlisted for the Scottish First Book of the Year Award. A subsequent novel, The American Girl, was published by William Morrow (US) and Harper Collins (UK) and translated into Korean by Tomato Publishing – both books have been optioned for film. Her poems and short stories have appeared in a number of anthologies such as Best British Crime Stories, magazines like Strix, Fictive Dream, Storyglossia, Momaya, Needle, & Cake, and placed in competitions including Bath, Bournemouth, Bridport, Frogmore and Oxford Flash Fiction. She is a creative writing lecturer.

Peter McAllister Editor & Founder
Peter studied English Literature at The University of Cambridge, was awarded a Distinction for his MA in Creative Writing and now lectures at the University of Hull. He is the editor and co-founder of Inkfish Magazine and a committee member for the Penzance Literary Festival. In 2025, Peter is the Writer in Residence at The Morrab Library. Peter’s writing builds layers of narrative through linked pieces that result in profound moments of self-realisation or dramatic action. He has been shortlisted and highly commended in several International Literary Prizes for his short-form fiction and poetry. His work has been published online, in print journals and numerous anthologies.