'But Don't Call Me Ishmael' and 'Am'
by G Timothy Gordan
Just Don’t Call Me Ishmael
I’m beyond knowing the Big Picture,
Art, my betters do, just never finicky
raven pivoting for any hot, bloody mess,
geese gone suddenly summer north,
grubworm, copperhead, about Outback business,
without notice or care, moonlight shine,
shimmer over desert mountain tarn,
restive, swollen night cumuli, dawn-burst,
no White Whale, odd, obsessive boss,
life-altering quest, deathless smart mate,
just curious, like them, about timeless things
of this world, artless in their living way,
book-learning gone awry.
(Y)am Man
Who knows but that on lower frequencies, I speak for you?
-R. Ellison, Invisible Man-
-Popeye the Sailor Man, “I yam what I yam,” 1933 cartoon-
Back in again from Out There where nothing lives
but brute critter and fowl, crawlies close to earth,
fetid, rank vegetation, acres of baked silica and stone
and mesa, dry gulch, arroyo, mountain, yet wild and alive,
agelessly young in unlovely, though not unloved, withdrawal,
offering nothing but subtly fresh, spikey, misshapen selves
to eye, arid air, unstinting sun and wind, where time melts,
as if it never left its burn. Email, text, from schoolmates,
some close, most not, wanting to catch up, hook-up, know me,
assuming I’m that that me, then, I suppose, which gives pause
if past is past, or not, imprimaturs Aristotle-Freud-Faulkner
promulge as tragic family fiat, all I know for sure I’m here now,
beamed-up back up into cyberspace, into boyhood, codes,
hi-tech wiring, AI stuff I know nothing about, as though
back at the hop, Cottman Ave. Burger & Malt Shoppe, Joanie’s,
Friday?, as if I never left who I was, online snaps current enough
to satisfy any nosy Parker who now live airily on IG, X, Facebook,
Snapchat or Tik Tok, Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, no techie me,
I never answer (I know, not cool), in decadent aughts patois du jour,
never OG retweet, slide into DMs, mentor guilty schoolboy habit,
let a past have me its own, as I was, maybe still am, ¿quién sabe?,
and so sophomorically (my bad!), make it an in-your-face, retro,
Wilt/Dr. J. slam dunk, be like Air Mike, ghost them all.

About the Author
Gordon’s DREAM WIND was published 2020 (Spirit-of-the-Ram), GROUND OF THIS BLUE EARTH (Mellen), while EVERYTHING SPEAKING CHINESE received RIVERSTONE P Poetry Prize (AZ) and BLUE BUSINESS was accepted by Cyberwit Press (Autumn-Winter 2024/25). Work appears in AGNI, American Literary R, Cincinnati PR, Mississippi R, New York Q, RHINO, Sonora R, Texas Observer, several nominated for Pushcarts. His eighth book, EMPTY, was published January 2024 (Cyberwit P). He divides lives between New Mexico/Texas borderland Chihuahuan Desert Southwest Organ Mountains and Asia.
About the Artist
Tena Smith is a multidisciplinary artist whose work in a variety of mediums has been showcased and sold in multiple galleries and boutiques across the state of Florida since 2007. Her love of experimental techniques can be seen in much of her work no matter the medium. Finding endless joy in the creative process and problem solving, it is the journey that drives her more so than the end result. She believes that sharing that journey with others in the hope of inspiring them to find their own unique voice is where true success lies. She describes her cyanotype process at Alternative Photography and she posts on Instagram as @tenasmithdesigns.