Category: concrete poetry

Sea Mist, Harbour Notices & Forecast

'Sea Mist', 'Harbour Notices' & 'Forecast'


by Liz Manning

About the Author

Liz Manning gave up a career in occupational therapy to move to Cornwall and do an MA in Creative Writing at the University of Plymouth, She now writes fulltime. She specialises in (but is not limited to) visual poetry and also has a novel in progress. Her work frequently focuses on faith, family, and mental health. Liz has had work published in INK magazine and the Harpy Hybrid Review. She is also on the committee organising the new Looe Festival of Words. You can find more of her work at: or find her on social media at: Instagram: @lizmanningwriterpoetartist; Twitter: @lizmanningpoet.


Physiology, Secret, Contents

Physiology, Secret, Contents


by Julia Biggs


Inkfish Magazine poetry submission_Julia Biggs - Julia Biggs.doc


Inkfish Magazine poetry submission_Julia Biggs - Julia Biggs.doc
About the Author

Julia Biggs (she/her) is a poet, writer and freelance art historian. She lives in Cambridge, UK. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ink Sweat & Tears, Black Bough Poetry, Annie Journal, SĂ­dhe Press, Streetcake Magazine and elsewhere. Find her on Twitter/X @Chiaroscuro1897 or via her website:
