Flash Fiction
by Laura Jacquemond
Emma buried him under the azaleas. Michael had become argumentative, vetoing every last paint color and sofa textile swatch. He thought he was right to decide everything. So, she knew what she had to do.
Jen buried him under the oak tree. All Johnny did was sit on the couch and watch football. He even canceled his gym subscription. So, she knew what she had to do.
Daphne buried him under the lilac bush. Jim just had to go and grow that ‘hipster’ beard. The last thing she needed was hair in places it shouldn’t be. So, she knew what she had to do.
Courtney buried him under the stars. Tom loved gazing at the night sky, with its mysteries and the arms of the Milky Way painting a stroke over head. But when the illness whittled away at him, he couldn’t get outside without her help. His eyes begged. And so, she did what she had to do.

About the Author
Laura Jacquemond is an American writer and textile artist who lives in France. Her stories have been published in anthologies by Comma Press and Wicked Shadow Press. She has a flash story forthcoming in Flash Fiction Magazine. After earning an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Hull, she began another MA in writing for young people at Bath Spa University and is working on her first YA novel. Laura’s website is
Her artwork illustrates this piece.