'Les Tournels' and 'Point of Departure'
by Eóin Flannery
Les Tournels
In Winter, when the evenings
close in and daylight slips
away, draining out the sky,
the house is quieter
than Summer months,
when children are tricked
into thinking that the world
shines longer for them,
now that they have the time
to see it.
There is a picture of a girl
standing on a sloped vineyard
in France. Her tiny right hand
tries to shield her brown eyes
from the slant of the late evening
sun. Her face beams with the
exhaustion of a child’s Summer.
Later, when it is dark and the blue
bay outside has lulled her to sleep,
her white blond hair fans out
in a semi-circle, veins
of curls like a bleached
sunrise laid out on a
goose-down pillow.
Point of Departure
The sky moans and the evening sinks
to its knees.
I sit in the subsiding bungalow,
hosted by the roll of steps
that have thinned out the carpet
under feet,
long-since gone.
These walls are points of departure,
spored with memories,
to which
you are now threaded.
Absence presses on the single-storey of loss,
the single-glazed windows shiver off
the grime
of years,
dirt and time
lodged under finger-nails.
With my fingers on the floor,
I can trace our story
on the unstitching fabric,
its torn ends are the worn braille
of our lives.

About the Author
Eóin Flannery is a writer and critic based in Limerick, Ireland, where he is Associate Professor of English Literature at Mary Immaculate College. He has published 12 books of literary and cultural criticism. His poetry has appeared in The Honest Ulsterman; Libre; The Galway Review; Rochford Street Review; Red Ogre Review; Juniper; and many other international publications. His poetry is forthcoming in The Tiger Moth Review; the engine(idling; Cigarette Fire Magazine; Sparks Literary Journal and The Hog River Press. He is working on a collection of poems entitled, Unshadow.
About the Artist
Tena Smith is a multidisciplinary artist whose work in a variety of mediums has been showcased and sold in multiple galleries and boutiques across the state of Florida since 2007. Her love of experimental techniques can be seen in much of her work no matter the medium. Finding endless joy in the creative process and problem solving, it is the journey that drives her more so than the end result. She believes that sharing that journey with others in the hope of inspiring them to find their own unique voice is where true success lies. She describes her cyanotype process at Alternative Photography and she posts on Instagram as @tenasmithdesigns.