
Book reviews & all the latest
Amirah Walters Book Review

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler

Book Review by Amirah Walters

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993) is a dystopian novel following 15-year-old Lauren Olamina as she navigates America through the years 2024 to 2027. When her community is attacked, Lauren leads the survivors towards Canada in search of a safe haven and a fresh start. It borders on terrifying how relevant some of the issues depicted in a novel written in 1993 are to the current state of society.  

What makes the Parable of the Sower so deeply unsettling is the parallels it contained to our world today. In the book, people feel they cannot trust police officers due to corruption. In the present day, the general public is incredibly wary of law enforcement. Looking specifically at America, the fires due to both climate change and arson mirror the recent California wildfires. As pyromania, crime, violence and poverty continue to rise around them, the characters must adapt in order to shape a new normal. The beginning phases of this reminded me of Covid and lockdown with a growing sense of community and a shortage of supplies.  

While there is no doubt that alarm bells were ringing throughout the story, it did bring me a strange sense of hope that despite the parallels our world is not quite as unsalvageable. Awareness about climate change is ever-increasing. I enjoy how Lauren does not lose her humanity in her desperation for survival, something that rings even more true for Harry Balter (her childhood friend) and Taylor Bankole (a fellow traveler who joins Lauren’s group after seeing them stop to help others). Harry in particular is an excellent depiction of this as he is horrified when Lauren kills for survival. The ‘hyperempathy’ experienced by Lauren makes it difficult for her to protect herself, but I enjoyed this as we live in a time where so many are desensitized that true empathy feels hard to come by. 

The one issue I had was I couldn’t fully warm to Lauren. I know this is part of the point as other characters, particularly those who join the group of survivors on their travels, but it made it difficult for me to become fully invested in her journey. I found side characters like Zahra Moss, a fellow survivor from Lauren’s community whose secret past makes her an asset, more compelling. Overall, I think the book was fascinating and worrying in its links to our current society with its only real downfall being a lack of connection to the main character.

Amirah Walters, Inkfish Intern

Amirah Walters is an editorial assistant intern at Inkfish, where she mostly spends her time proofreading, writing blog posts and reviewing books. One of her favourite parts of the job is finding new books to write reviews about — she could talk about books for hours, so getting to write about them is a perfect fit. When she isn’t working on the magazine, she is working on her English and Creative Writing degree, looking for new coffee shops, reading, or exploring new walking routes. Amirah is excited to keep learning the ins and outs of publishing and is passionate about creating content that connects with readers! 

Morrab Writer in Residence Peter McAllister

Peter McAllister is the new Morrab Library Writer in Residence

We’re thrilled that Inkfish editor and founder, Peter McAllister, has just become Writer in Residence at the Morrab Library in Penzance.

From the Morrab Library’s website:

This year we’re welcoming a ‘Writer in Residence’ to The Morrab Library.

Peter McAllister is a member of the Library and we’re delighted that he will be spending the next twelve months responding to the collection, running workshops and providing members and non-members alike with writing opportunities as the year progresses.  

Peter is a writer, educator and publisher of prose fiction. He studied English Literature at The University of Cambridge, was awarded a Distinction for his MA in Creative Writing and now lectures at the University of Hull. He is the editor and co-founder of Inkfish Magazine and a committee member for the Penzance Literary Festival.

Peter’s writing builds layers of narrative through linked pieces that result in profound moments of self-realisation or dramatic action. He has been shortlisted and highly commended in several International Literary Prizes for his short-form fiction and poetry. His work has been published online, in print journals and numerous anthologies.

We’re going to let Peter introduce himself in his own words and tell you a little bit more about his residency…

Why did you want to be ‘Writer in Residence’ at Morrab Library?

The Morrab is a hub of creativity and literary exploration for West Cornwall and beyond; one I’m honoured to be a part of. I’m keen to help members improve their writing and to use the beautiful surroundings we’re blessed with as inspiration for stories and poetry that will last through time. Being based in such a beautiful building for a year, capturing the spirit of the Morrab in my own writing, was also far too exciting an opportunity to pass up.

When did you first visit the Morrab and what do you remember about that first visit?

I’d just moved to Marazion and was looking for a space to write and research. Having seen photos online, I couldn’t quite believe a place could be as magical in real-life as the Morrab looked on my tiny laptop screen. Whole walls of books on oaken shelves framed tall sash windows. There were views over tropical gardens that gave way to rooftops running down to a turquoise sea; none of it seemed real. Strapping on my backpack, I set out around the bay to Penzance and threaded the streets till I reached the front door. I was blown away on that first visit and the library has inspired me ever since. A laptop screen could never do it justice: the sea was more vibrant, the gardens more lush. What struck me most was the friendliness of the staff and volunteers, the rich smell of literature stretching back centuries, the many happy faces of visitors working, reading, studying. It’s a truly magical space to place yourself within.

What do you hope to bring to the library through your work?

You’ll see me around a lot during the residency. I have plenty of ideas for specific projects, but the main thing I hope to achieve is helping members capture the spirit of the library in their writing. I’ll aim to do the same with my own work, offering a publication for the library’s archives that speaks to the residency. We’re kicking off with an exciting schedule of creative writing workshops that are already filling up. Writers can also book mentoring sessions which I run the same way I do when coaching university students through their Creative Writing degree programs. If you have any work that could benefit from a professional edit, I can also help out with that. 

Click the link here to find out more about Peter’s workshops and book a place. 

You can find out more about Peter’s work over on his website as well as links to book the workshops, 1-2-1 mentoring and editing services. 

Cornwall in Short Book Launch

The book launch of our lovely anthology, Cornwall in Short, will take place in the Reading Room of The Morrab Library at 2pm on Saturday 14th December

“Join editors Peter McAllister and Kate Horsley, along with a number of contributing writers at this, the launch of Cornwall in Short. Authors such as Tim Hannigan, Emma Timpany, Rob Magnuson Smith, Adrian Markle and Clare Howdle feature in this collection of Cornish writing. Hear some of them read their work at this event before taking part in a short Q&A.

Tickets are allocated by a ballot system. Please email or call 01736 364474 to be entered into the ballot for a ticket. The ballot closes on Thursday 5th December. Entry to this event is free but donations are welcomed to help support The Morrab Library (suggested £5). Refreshments will be provided after the talk.”

Cornwall in Short

A Collection of Cornish Writing

Edited by Kate Horsley and P.T. McAllister

Print & eBook editions released 14th December 2024

Our second edition celebrated Cornish writers and artists and was so lovely to assemble that we decided to release the prose from it as a paper anthology, to be released in December, with a reading event in Cornwall. Below is a little more detail about this fantastic short story collection.

On the rocks at Carne, flotsam washes in alongside memories of lost love. A family picnic at Lostwithiel leads to the rediscovery of ancient Cornish language stories. In The Three Ferrets at St Ives, a weary barmaid dreams of sailing away on a yacht with a dubious stranger, and a man in search of love is tricked by the Queen of Fey at Rough Tor.

This captivating anthology showcases Cornwall’s most exciting contemporary writers, both established and emerging. This is an amazing range of new short stories and non-fiction that makes Cornwall feel fresh and unexpected; writing that engages with folklore, history, and landscape in an emotionally compelling way, celebrating a love of Cornish history and wildlife. Moving through time and space with each story, you’ll find contemporary retellings of folklore, compelling memoirs, and flash fictions that brim with tension and discovery.

Authors in this Anthology: Rebecca Johnson BistaAnastasia Gammon, Tim Hannigan, Kate Horsley, Clare Howdle, Adrian Markle, Tim Martindale, P. T. McAllister, Rob Magnuson Smith, Mark Plummer, Katherine Stansfield, Jackie Taylor, Karen Taylor, Shelley Trower, Emma Timpany, Tom Vowler, Ella Walsworth-Bell, Elaine Ruth White and Becky Wildman.

Cover Design: The work of our cover artist is rooted in the Cornish landscape. Mark Holman’s creative practice draws on parallel lives as a horticulturalist and visual artist. His beautiful ink drawing of a foxglove growing on the coast of Marazion reflects his work on sustainability and the entanglement of humans and plants within the environment.

A Place to Heal

by Mark Holman

A multi-disciplinary creative, Mark Holman’s practice initially focused on figurative subjects – both sculpted and drawn. Recently, his process has drawn on parallel creative ventures as an actor, musician and horticulturalist, evolving beyond the purely figurative to focus on human connections with nature in a more social engaged way. The goal of Mark’s current projects is to engage community and encourage discourse, supporting sustainability and promoting healthier relationships with the environment. He is a featured artist in our Cornwall Edition.

When I was approached by a local Hospital Trust to help create a garden that enabled Intensive Care Patients to recover within nature, I jumped at the opportunity to make a difference in a tangible way. The garden I designed – underneath the critical care unit at Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust in Truro – is one of the first therapeutic gardens in the UK that enables very ill patients to spend time outside with the help of life-support technology.

Mark’s book, A Place to Heal, is available to buy here.

The garden contains a combination of sensory plants, hospital bed areas, and seating spots for families, carers, and medical professionals: a space where the patients can be surrounded by a therapeutic combination of friends, family and nature. Kym Vigus, RCHT Critical Care Staff Nurse, calls it “a huge asset to our unit” that generates “incredibly positive experiences” for patients: “For clinical teams to be able to bring patients down to the courtyard to feel the fresh air and see the sky, to smell the plants and hear birdsong, is very special.”

‘A Place to Heal’ evolved from my work designing and installing the therapeutic Healing Garden, a project which planted the seeds of an idea for a sculptural installation in which a reclaimed hospital bed would be planted with local botanical species so that it looked like it was coming out of the ground. This installation was first exhibited to the public at the Royal Cornwall Garden Society Show. It continued in five different locations around West Cornwall, with the bed eventually moving to Victoria Square, in front of Truro Cathedral.

We were lucky to get the artist Kurt Jackson involved, both with the garden itself, and a book of art and writing that grew out of the bed tour. An exploration of relationships with plants, why we need nature and why we need to work to preserve it, the book sets out to explore how plants can heal us and how we can heal the environment.

As we ferried the bed from one location to another, we chatted to people about the Healing Garden project, the benefits of nature, and how regular engagement with nature can have positive effects on both mental and physical health.

In the gallery of images below, I have placed a hospital bed in a series of different environments to explore the effect landscape has on it. We captured some amazing photos that symbolise the ways our surroundings affect our ability to heal. With projects like the Healing Garden, green social prescribing, and installations like ‘A Place to Heal’ as public conversation-starters, we are hopefully moving towards greater engagement with how healthcare strategies meet the natural world.



by Adrian Markle

Review by Lee Horsley

Adrian Markle’s Bruise (Brindle & Glass, 2024) tells the extremely compelling, often heart-wrenching story of Jamie Stuart, a badly injured martial arts fighter who has had the dedication to succeed internationally, becoming a middleweight champion of the world.  The novel centres on Jamie’s post-injury return to the fishing village he grew up in, to a bleak sea that overwhelms him with “its vastness, its dark emptiness…the relentless sound of it.” Throughout the novel Markle powerfully evokes the sense of a once thriving place that now embodies only loss and despair:

“It seemed the only thing they’d hauled out of the water here lately had been his father’s body some months before, his flesh grey and yellow and wrapped in thin-blooded bruises, with lungs full of seawater and enough booze in his veins to kill a better man.”

We come to understand why the son didn’t return for his father’s funeral, the reasons all too apparent in the family life that has  made Jamie into his adult self. Bruise is both a coming of age and a return to home novel: the relationship between child and man is developed through interlocking time lines, Jamie’s homecoming alternating with chapters set in his boyhood.  As readers, we’re given a cumulative sense of the ways in which childhood patterns of behaviour, injuries and losses have, by his early 30s, made it near impossible to escape. 

Having spent his whole life fighting to survive, Jamie compulsively returns to memories of the early conflicts that haunt his life: the remorseless brutality of his father, the death of a younger brother in part because Jamie was himself unable to show fear and back down. His oldest fears grew from being taken to fight on the beach – “watching his father mark a wrestling ring in beach sand with his toe, and what inevitably happened when Jamie lost.”  It was an experience that gave him the grit and toughness that sustained him in his professional fights. At the same time, it ensured that, underneath even his most triumphant moments, there was a chasm of fear. 

From the time Jamie returns home, he veers between hoping he might be able to help others while at the same time feeling that “There wasn’t anything for him here, he knew now. No job at the hospital, no job at the bar, not even coaching kids in their stupid karate.”  As his despair deepens, his brother works to persuade him that the only chances left in town are at the seedy margins of low-level crime, and he comes perilously close to feeling that his brother’s life of small scale drug dealing may be his only path to survival.  

Bruise is a very impressive first novel, and Markle is right to avoid a resolution dominated by the dangers and high tensions of a crime narrative. It may instead be that Jamie has to reconcile himself to living without decisive moments of defeat or glory, accepting smaller steps towards rebuilding a life that might ultimately be redemptive. In a key scene, he teaches two young boys the most rudimentary skills of fighting along with the kind of resolution that has driven him in everything he’s accomplished: “you can get down on purpose  or I can put you down, but either way you got to get used to  fighting your way up from the dirt.” Five out of five stars on this brilliant debut from us: highly recommended!

The County Line

by Steve Weddle

Review by Lee Horsley

Steve Weddle’s The County Line (2024) is a big-hearted, wholly engrossing tale of thievery, betrayal and murder in the early years of the Great Depression. In the summer of 1933, Cottonmouth Tomlin returns home to a small town in southwest Arkansas just over the Louisiana border, after adventuring first to New Orleans and then to Central America. Leaving for Honduras, he’d had “a change of clothes and hope in the future. He’d come back with just a change of clothes. Better clothes, it was true, but not by much.”

Cottonmouth has returned for his uncle’s funeral, having been left an outlaw camp, “a scattering of cabins and an impassable road,” with a reputation for unsavoury goings-on. It is a useful place to hide kidnap victims or small-time outlaws on the run. As Cottonmouth gradually realises, however, his dilapidated camp is also a place that more powerful crooks might scheme to make their own. The County Line gives us a wonderful gallery of affectionately created ne’er-do-wells struggling to get by, hoping, after a drink or two, that they might, if luck is with them, knock over a bank with their four guns and seven bullets. Higher up the social scale, there are the formidably respectable but even more criminally inclined old sisters, Henrietta and Abigail Rudd – more than a match for any of the men in the town. And, eyeing the deficiencies of this local criminal hierarchy, there is the wholly untrustworthy interloper, Martello, who owns clubs in neighbouring Louisiana and “runs the whole corner of the state” – a man to both emulate and fear. 

Caught between dangerous adversaries, Cottonmouth considers whether he could work with the well-heeled Martello, maybe welcome him as a guest and go over some ground rules with him: “That had been the plan, hadn’t it? Bring Martello in; bring in business.” But as he carries forward his underhanded schemes, Martello tells Cottonmouth, “Look around. This is my camp now. My men. Possession is nine-tenths of the law.” For Martello, it isn’t “about the history of the place” but about the future of a place he intends to shape and control. For Cottonmouth, on the other hand, it is home. There is continuity and a sense of belonging imparted by land his family has owned for nearly a hundred years: “I’ll take family and community over Hessian soldiers any day”. 

The County Line is a lively, humorous and above all compassionate story of lives worn down by the grinding years of the Great Depression, and of the choices forced by desperation. As Cottonmouth ponders his direction in life, he reflects, “Head back home from Honduras, and the next thing you know, you’re running a kidnapping ring out of your family’s hunting camp. What a world, he thought. What a world. —“

On Blackout Poetry and Eclipses

On 8 April 2024, my city will experience a total eclipse for a couple exhilarating minutes. In times past, such days were venerated, gods worshipped, and animals and people sacrificed. I get the day off work, and the local professional baseball team – playing their opening game of the 2024 campaign – plays an hour later due to this astronomical rarity. The fear by the team brass isn’t angry baseball gods but snarled traffic being caused by rubberneckers. In a time of pitch clocks, even an occasional ballgame can be delayed.